Case Studies

Bed Threads

Discover how we’ve helped our clients get ahead with cohesive customer acquisition strategies.

Initiating full-funnel roadmaps geared toward US Market optimization.

Creative OptimizationSocial Media Advertising

Aligning on strategic differentiation within the US Market.

As an existing and successful brand in Australia for 10+ years, Bed Threads came to Maison MRKT with a proven product, strong business infrastructure, but little awareness in the US marketplace. As the first US-based performance marketing partner - Maison MRKT roadmapped a strategy to align, identify and capitalize on opportunities within the US market.

To first orient Bed Threads in the landscape of digital marketing within the US - our teams led a top-down campaign restructuring process and initiated substantial consolidations to immediately improve efficiency. We tailored 20+ broad efforts into 6 highly-purposeful campaigns, each strengthened in budget and strategically targeted to a clear goal.

Next, we provided focused integration opportunities into the US marketing landscape through merchandising and customer analysis. By redeveloping a seasonally relevant, northern hemisphere-centric marketing calendar and conducting in-depth customer analysis within the home category, our teams identified key distinctions in US customers compared to Bed Threads’ core Australia customer groups + similarly distinct shopping behaviors. 

To best align on immediate optimizations, Maison MRKT first engaged Create to Perform - a creative discovery and optimization process that works to identify key areas of brand messaging and visual opportunities to execute these core sentiments through creative. By maintaining a US customer perspective through the process and offering real creative examples with tactical recommendations based on real US customer behavior and trends, Bed Threads was primed for a robust re-entrance into the US market.

“Splitting up our strategy to align with the seasonality of Bed Thread’s business created a snowball effect that set up Bed Thread’s US business for long term growth.”

Bennett WissakVice President, Maison MRKT


Since 2014, Australia-based, Bed Threads has been on a mission to make the space and sleep of your dreams a reality. Upholding the belief that it’s silly to have to compromise a good night’s sleep because of high cost or low quality led them to a series of bed, bath and home products designed from high quality, pure, 100% French flax linen at a price point you won’t lose sleep over.

Engaging strategic seasonal shifts within campaign objectives and customer targeting. 

While the breathability of a natural fiber like linen make it a great all-year option, bedding linen is traditionally understood as a more summer-focused product. Maison MRKT leaned into the consumer’s seasonal alignment by orienting a campaign strategy to follow the same arc – pushing reach and aggressive growth during high months, while pursuing maintained efficiency during low months. 

Our team introduced a split strategy balanced between full-funnel optimized campaigns and conversion focused-campaigns based on this evident seasonality. During high months (APR-OCT) - we pushed toward conversion focused campaigns geared toward driving revenue. During low months (NOV-MAR) we seasonally adjusted to take advantage of full funnel campaigns - building awareness, engaging high-funnel audiences and pushing traffic as the weather turned colder. 

Over the seasonal shift, these two core campaign groups not only performed well individually, but they also supported stronger performance in the long term. As a new brand to the US market, investing in awareness and brand building through full-funnel creative and campaigns allowed for tremendous growth in primed prospecting audiences. Once peak season hit, these high-intent potential customers converted quickly and easily thanks to the established brand awareness.

This holistic campaign strategy has continued to evolve and advance Bed Threads positioning within the US Market and also provide a significant impact on its global market share. 

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