Case Studies


Discover how we’ve helped our clients get ahead with cohesive customer acquisition strategies.

Evolving with Meta AI to boost campaign signals and reach optimal efficiency.

Social Media AdvertisingLead Generation & First-Party Data Management

Engaging in early adoption and integration of AI rich technology.

As a core tenet of Maison MRKT’s ideology, our teams are continual students and native users of the channels and platforms in which we service. In the Meta-verse, working alongside internal Meta teams at the source of new developments and advancements in campaign technology has well positioned our teams to capitalize on opportunities as early adopters in key channels like Instagram and Facebook for our clients. 

Staying on the pulse of these changes is never more important than with Meta's highly efficient Advantage Shopping Campaigns (ASC) - an AI-centric campaign type that has undergone massive evolution since its launch and a transformation to which Maison MRKT has stayed closely aligned. 

As advancements within ASC and AI data manipulation roll-out, our teams are positioned to act fast and identify optimal client utility along each moment of the evolutionary curve. The perpetual regularity of AIs evolution and the opportunity-size tied to early adoption of key changes, demands a level of agility and awareness that is critical to performance.

“Testing has always been the backbone of Maison MRKT optimizing campaign performance, but going a step further to re-test hypotheses to confirm the optimal strategy allowed Maison MRKT to unlock an entire new level of growth for Paravel.”

Bennett WissakVice President, Maison MRKT

Paravel is a sustainable travel brand dedicated to exploring the world while minimizing our impact on it. Through the brand’s collection of luggage, bags and travel accessories, Paravel pursues a thoughtful hybrid of luxe design, modern functionality and carbon-neutral construction for its loyal customers worldwide.

Leaning into agile optimization to boost signals and command efficiency.

In the early months of ASC, Maison MRKT teams noticed a cannibalization of non-dynamic creatives when placed in the same campaign as dynamic creatives. Meta was over-serving dynamic creatives because they generally have stronger engagement metrics, not necessarily stronger conversion metrics. Shortly thereafter, we began separating dynamic and non-dynamic creative types into two separate ASC campaigns to better control spend by ad type. 

As part of our partnership with Paravel, we began to strengthen their Meta campaign structure through the introduction of ASC Campaigns. However, through integration we identified a new evolution within the AI’s capability to better differentiate creative - including dynamic and non-dynamic creatives. 

In the beginning of our partnership, our team identified the same trend with ASC we had seen previously: more spend toward dynamic ads with less conversions. However, halfway through the year, Maison MRKT decided to re-test the hypothesis by creating a split test that grouped the split up campaigns v. one consolidated campaign with equal budget going toward each group. 

The outcome was immediate – Paravel saw substantial increases in efficiency with their CPA dropping by 50% with the consolidated structure. The improvements made sense – a single campaign structure allowed for higher creative diversification, improved CPMs and less audience overlap. The non-dynamic ads were also receiving more spend with better conversion rates. Reuniting dynamic and non-dynamic creatives also relieved the pressure for a high-volume content pipeline, previously geared toward planning and producing dozens of new creatives every refresh cycle (3-4 weeks). 

With a single ASC structure that came with a significant drop in CPA, Maison MRKT was able to scale spend in a way that drastically improved MER. Through this scaled spend, the campaign produced stronger signals and further boosted performance - a snowball effect that positioned Paravel with unprecedented opportunity for the months ahead. 

  • Cost Per Acquisition



  • Media Spend



  • Click Through Rate




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